Plant-Loving Kidneys

Eating more plants and less meat can help your kidneys.

What it Means for you

No hardship Required

A plant-based approach to eating is a natural way to feel full and satisfied due to the high fiber, and nutrient dense content of the foods. The recipes are delicious too!

Health Benefits Abound!

There are a bazillion studies that support the health benefits of a whole food plant-based diet.  Adding one plant-based meal a week has health benefits.

improved gut health

Eating a higher fiber diet has been shown to decrease  inflammation in the body.

decrease acid Load on the kidneys

The dietary acid load is determined by the balance of acid-inducing foods, such as meats, eggs, cheese and cereal grains, and  alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

 Plant-based Eating

   ~eliminate or greatly minimize animal products

    ~choose unprocessed foods and minimally processed foods

 ~Food choices include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes (beans), seeds and nuts, tubers and mushrooms and make up the majority of foods that are eaten.


Working with your kidney doctor and  kidney dietitian will help you  in choosing the foods and eating plan that is personalized to your specific needs.

Marybeth Judy MS, RDN, CSR, LD

PH: 207-752-2341
FAX: 855-752-0261